Practice Areas

Practice Areas

No one should have to work without proper pay in American society. Our firm is ready to step in and defend the rights of workers who believe that they have been taken advantage of by either unscrupulous or unknowing employers. We at the Law Offices of Gilda A. Hernandez are your [..]

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) guarantees a number of rights, primarily aimed at ensuring that workers get paid fairly for the time they work. Employers must pay all covered employees not less than the minimum wage—currently set at $7.25 an hour. Some states have established a minimum wage that is higher than [..]

The state authorities recognized the need to draft a statute that matched the federal guidelines under the Fair Labor Standards Act. While North Carolina is a state with an unfortunate history of labor violations, and things are certainly better today than in the past, there remain pockets of abuse. Often, the actions are so [..]

Our firm can represent you on either an individual or class/collective action basis. Depending on the best litigation strategy, we can determine whether your claim is best suited to proceed individually, as a class representative, or as an opt-in plaintiff or class member. Class actions can be particularly effective when there are several, hundreds, or [..]

People deserve time off from work to deal with medical issues. Without such a right, workers will eventually become worn out and unable to perform their duties. When they have pressing medical issues, especially childbearing, employers should abide by the rules under the Family Medical Leave Act. It is important to remember that family leave [..]

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